Practical Go Programming

Andrew Gerrand

What is Go?

Go is a general-purpose programming language.

Go's killer features:

This talk

This talk will cover the complete development of a simple web application.

There's a lot to cover, so we'll move pretty fast.

If you're new to Go there may be some syntax you don't understand. The important thing is to get a feel for what the program does, rather than exactly how it does it.

These slides are available at - you may want to follow along.

Complete source code and other bits are available in the git repository:

Twitter stuff:

Let's write a Go program

goto: A URL Shortener

Goto is a web service (HTTP) that does two things:

Data structures

Goto maps short URLs to long URLs. To store this mapping in memory we can use a hash table.

Go's map type allows you to map values of any* type to values of any other type.

Maps must be initialized with the built-in make function:

m := make(map[int]string)

m[1] = "One"

u := m[1]
// u == "One"

v, present := m[2]
// v == "", present == false

(*The keys must be comparable with ==.)

Data structures

We specify the URLStore type, Goto's fundamental data structure:

type URLStore map[string]string

m := make(URLStore)

To store the mapping of http://goto/a to in m:

m["a"] = ""

url := m["a"]
// url == ""

This has a shortcoming: Go's map type is not thread-safe.

Goto will serve many requests concurrently, so we must make our URLStore type safe to access from separate threads.

Adding a lock

To protect the map type from being modified while it is being read, we must add a lock to the data structure.

Changing the type definition, we make URLStore a struct type with two fields: the map and a RWMutex from the sync package.

import "sync"

type URLStore struct {
	urls map[string]string
	mu   sync.RWMutex

An RWMutex has two locks: one for readers, and one for writers. Many clients can take the read lock simultaneously, but only one client can take the write lock (to the exclusion of all readers).

Setter and Getter methods

We must now interact with the URLStore through Set and Get methods.

The Get method takes the read lock with mu.RLock, and returns the URL as a string. If the key is not present in the map, the zero value for the string type (an empty string) will be returned.

func (s *URLStore) Get(key string) string {
	url := s.urls[key]
        return url

Setter and Getter methods

The Set method takes the write lock and updates the url map.

If the key is already present, Set returns a boolean false value and the map is not updated. (Later, We will use this behavior to ensure that each URL has a unique key.)

func (s *URLStore) Set(key, url string) bool {
	_, present := s.urls[key]
	if present {
		return false
	s.urls[key] = url
	return true

Defer: an aside

A defer statement pushes a function call onto a list. The list of saved calls is executed after the surrounding function returns. Defer is commonly used to simplify functions that perform various clean-up actions.

For example, this function will print "Hello" and then "World":

func foo() {
	defer fmt.Println("World")

We can use defer to simplify the Set and Get methods.

There's much more to know about defer. See the "Defer, Panic, and Recover" blog post for an in-depth discussion.

Setter and Getter methods

Using defer, the Get method can avoid using the local url variable and return the map value directly:

func (s *URLStore) Get(key string) string {
	return s.urls[key]

And the logic for Set becomes clearer:

func (s *URLStore) Set(key, url string) bool {
	_, present := s.urls[key]
	if present {
		return false
	s.urls[key] = url
	return true

An initializer function

The URLStore struct contains a map field, which must be initialized with make before it can be used.

type URLStore struct {
	urls map[string]string
	mu   sync.RWMutex

Go doesn't have constructors. Instead, the convention is to write a function named NewXXX that returns an intialized instance of the type.

func NewURLStore() *URLStore {
	return &URLStore{
		urls: make(map[string]string),

Using URLStore

Creating an instance:

s := NewURLStore()

Setting a URL by key:

if s.Set("a", "") {
	// success

Getting a URL by key:

if url := s.Get("a"); url != "" {
	// redirect to url
} else {
	// key not found

Shortening URLs

We already have the Get method for retrieving URLs. Let's create a Put method that takes a URL, stores the URL under a corresponding key, and returns that key.

func (s *URLStore) Put(url string) string {
        for {
                key := genKey(s.Count())
                if s.Set(key, url) {
                        return key
	panic("shouldn't get here")

func (s *URLStore) Count() int {
	return len(s.urls)

The genKey function takes an integer and returns a corresponding alphanumeric key:

func genKey(n int) string { /* implementation omitted */  }

HTTP Server

Go's http package provides the infrastructure to serve HTTP requests:

package main

import (

func Hello(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	fmt.Fprintf(w, "Hello, world!")

func main()  {
	http.HandleFunc("/", Hello)
	http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)

HTTP Handlers

Our program will have two HTTP handlers:

The HandleFunc function is used to register them with the http package.

func main()  {
	http.HandleFunc("/", Redirect)
	http.HandleFunc("/add", Add)
	http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)

Requests to /add will be served by the Add handler.
All other requests will be served by the Redirect handler.

HTTP Handlers: Add

The Add function reads the url parameter from an HTTP request, Puts it into the store, and sends the corresponding short URL to the user.

func Add(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	url := r.FormValue("url")
	key := store.Put(url)
	fmt.Fprintf(w, "http://localhost:8080/%s", key)

But what is store? It's a global variable pointing to an instance of URLStore:

var store = NewURLStore()

The line above can appear anywhere in the top level of a source file. It will be evaluated at program initialization, before the main function is called.

HTTP Handlers: Add

What about the user interface? Let's modify Add to display an HTML form when no url is supplied:

func Add(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	url := r.FormValue("url")
	if url == "" {
		fmt.Fprint(w, AddForm)
	key := store.Put(url)
	fmt.Fprintf(w, "http://localhost:8080/%s", key)

const AddForm = `
<form method="POST" action="/add">
URL: <input type="text" name="url">
<input type="submit" value="Add">

HTTP Handlers: Redirect

The Redirect function finds the key in the HTTP request path, retrieves the corresponding URL from the store, and sends an HTTP redirect to the user. If the URL is not found, a 404 "Not Found" error is sent instead.

func Redirect(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	key := r.URL.Path[1:]
	url := store.Get(key)
	if url == "" {
		http.NotFound(w, r)
	http.Redirect(w, r, url, http.StatusFound)

The key is the request path minus the first character. For the request "/foo" the key would be "foo".

http.NotFound and http.Redirect are helpers for sending common HTTP responses. The constant http.StatusFound represents HTTP code 302 ("Found").


We've written under 100 lines of code, and have a complete, functional web application.

See the code we've written so far:

These slides are available at

Persistent Storage

When the goto process ends, the shortened URLs in memory will be lost.

This isn't very helpful.

Let's modify URLStore so that it writes its data to a file, and restores that data on start-up.

Interfaces: an aside

Go's interface types define a set of methods. Any type that implements those methods satisfies that interface.

One frequently-used interface is Writer, specified by the io package:

type Writer interface {
	Write(p []byte) (n int, err error)

Many types, from both the standard library and other Go code, implement the Write method described above, and can thus be used anywhere an io.Writer is expected.

Interfaces: an aside

In fact, we've already used an io.Writer in our HTTP handlers:

func Add(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	fmt.Fprintf(w, "http://localhost:8080/%s", key)

The Fprintf function expects an io.Writer as its first argument:

func Fprintf(w io.Writer, format string, a ...interface{}) (n int, error error)

Because http.ResponseWriter implements the Write method, w can be passed to Fprint as an io.Writer.

Persistent Storage: json

How should we represent the URLStore on disk?

Go's json package handles serializing and deserializing Go data structures to and from JSON blobs.

The json package's NewEncoder and NewDecoder functions wrap io.Writer and io.Reader values respectively.

The resulting Encoder and Decoder objects provide Encode and Decode methods for writing and reading Go data structures.

Persistent Storage: URLStore

Let's create a new data type, record, which describes how single key/url pair will be stored on disk:

type record struct {
        Key, URL string

The new save method writes a given key and url to disk as a JSON-encoded record:

func (s *URLStore) save(key, url string) error {
        e := json.NewEncoder(s.file)
        return e.Encode(record{key, url})

But what is s.file?

Persistent Storage: URLStore

URLStore's new file field (of type *os.File) will be a handle to an open file that can be used for writing and reading.

type URLStore struct {
        urls     map[string]string
        mu       sync.RWMutex
        file     *os.File

The NewURLStore function now takes a filename argument, opens the file, and stores the *os.File value in the file field:

func NewURLStore(filename string) *URLStore {
        s := &URLStore{urls: make(map[string]string)}
        f, err := os.OpenFile(filename, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_APPEND, 0644)
        if err != nil {
                log.Fatal("URLStore:", err)
	s.file = f
        return s

Persistent Storage: URLStore

The new load method will Seek to the beginning of the file, read and Decode each record, and store the data using the Set method:

func (s *URLStore) load() error {
        if _, err := s.file.Seek(0, 0); err != nil {
                return err
        d := json.NewDecoder(s.file)
        var err error
        for err == nil {
                var r record
                if err = d.Decode(&r); err == nil {
                        s.Set(r.Key, r.URL)
        if err == os.EOF {
                return nil
        return err

Persistent Storage: URLStore

Took hook it all up, first we add a call to load to the constructor function:

func NewURLStore(filename string) *URLStore {
        s := &URLStore{urls: make(map[string]string)}
        f, err := os.OpenFile(filename, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_APPEND, 0644)
        if err != nil {
                log.Fatal("URLStore:", err)
        s.file = f
        if err := s.load(); err != nil {
                log.Println("URLStore:", err)
        return s

Persistent Storage: URLStore

And save each new URL as it is Put:

func (s *URLStore) Put(url string) string {
        for {
                key := genKey(s.Count())
                if s.Set(key, url) {
                        if err :=, url); err != nil {
                                log.Println("URLStore:", err)
                        return key
        panic("shouldn't get here")

Persistent Storage

Finally, we must specify a filename when instantiating the URLStore:

var store = NewURLStore("store.json")


See the code we've written so far:

These slides are available at

A point of contention

Consider this pathological situation:

To remedy these issues, we should decouple the Put and save processes.

Goroutines: an aside

A goroutine is a lightweight thread managed by the Go runtime.

Goroutines are launched by a go statement. This code executes both foo and bar concurrently:

go foo()

The foo function runs in a newly created goroutine, while bar runs in the main goroutine.

Memory is shared between goroutines, like in many popular threading models.

Goroutines are cheaper to create than operating system threads.

Channels: an aside

A channel is a conduit, like a unix pipe, through which you can send typed values. They provide many interesting algorithmic possibilities.

Like maps, channels must be initialized with make:

ch := make(chan int) // a channel of ints

Communication is expressed using the "channel operator", <- :

ch <- 7   // send the int 7 to the channel

i := <-ch // receive an int from the channel

Data always moves in the direction of the arrow.

Channels: an aside

Communicating between goroutines:

func sum(x, y int, c chan int) {
	c <- x + y

func main() {
	c := make(chan int)
	go sum(24, 18, c)

Channel send/receive operations typically block until the other side is ready. Channels can be either buffered or unbuffered. Sends to a buffered channel will not block until the buffer is full.

Buffered channels are initialized by specifying the buffer size as the second argument to make:

ch := make(chan int, 10)

See the blog posts "Share Memory by Communicating" and "Timing out, moving on" for a detailed discussion of goroutines and channels.

Saving separately

Instead of making a function call to save each record to disk, Put can send a record to a buffered channel:

type URLStore struct {
        urls  map[string]string
        mu    sync.RWMutex
        save  chan record

func (s *URLStore) Put(url string) string {
        for {
                key := genKey(s.Count())
                if s.Set(key, url) {
               <- record{key, url}
                        return key
        panic("shouldn't get here")

Saving separately

At the other end of the save channel we must have a receiver.

This new method, saveLoop, will run in a separate goroutine.
It receives record values and writes them to a file.

func (s *URLStore) saveLoop(filename string) {
        f, err := os.OpenFile(filename, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_APPEND, 0644)
        if err != nil {
                log.Fatal("URLStore:", err)
        e := json.NewEncoder(f)
        for {
		r := <
		if err := e.Encode(r); err != nil {
                        log.Println("URLStore:", err)

Saving separately

We need to modify the NewURLStore function to launch the saveLoop goroutine (and remove the now-unnecessary file opening code):

const saveQueueLength = 1000

func NewURLStore(filename string) *URLStore {
        s := &URLStore{
                urls: make(map[string]string),
                save: make(chan record, saveQueueLength),
        if err := s.load(filename); err != nil {
                log.Println("URLStore:", err)
        go s.saveLoop(filename)
        return s

An aside: Command-line flags

Go's flag package makes it easy to handle command-line flags. Let's use it to replace the constants we have in our code so far.

import (

We first create some global variables to hold the flag values:

var (
	listenAddr = flag.String("http", ":8080", "http listen address")
	dataFile   = flag.String("file", "store.json", "data store file name")
	hostname   = flag.String("host", "localhost:8080", "host name and port")

An aside: Command-line flags

Then we can add flag.Parse() to the main function, and instantiate the URLStore after the flags have been parsed (once we know the value of *dataFile).

var store *URLStore

func main() {
	store = NewURLStore(*dataFile)
        http.HandleFunc("/", Redirect)
        http.HandleFunc("/add", Add)
        http.ListenAndServe(*listenAddr, nil)

And substitute *hostname in the Add handler:

	fmt.Fprintf(w, "http://%s/%s", *hostname, key)


See the code we've written so far:

These slides are available at

One more thing...

So far we have a program that runs as a single process. But a single process running on one machine can only serve so many concurrent requests.

A URL Shortener typically serves many more Redirects (reads) than it does Adds (writes).

Therefore we can create an arbitrary number of read-only slaves that serve and cache Get requests, and pass Puts through to the master.

Making URLStore an RPC service

Go's rpc package provides a convenient means of making function calls over a network connection.

Given a value, rpc will expose to the network the value's methods that meet this function signature:

func (t T) Name(args *ArgType, reply *ReplyType) error

To make URLStore an RPC service we need to alter the Put and Get methods so that they match this function signature:

func (s *URLStore) Get(key, url *string) error

func (s *URLStore) Put(url, key *string) error

And, of course, we need to change the call sites to call these functions appropriately.

Making URLStore an RPC service

To make URLStore an RPC services, we need to alter the Get and Put methods to be rpc-friendly. The function signatures change, and now return an error value.

The Get method can return an explicit error when the provided key is not found:

func (s *URLStore) Get(key, url *string) error {
        if u, ok := s.urls[*key]; ok {
                *url = u
                return nil
        return os.NewError("key not found")

Beyond the function signature, the Put method barely changes in its actual code (not shown here):

func (s *URLStore) Put(url, key *string) error

Making URLStore an RPC service

In turn, the HTTP handlers must be modfied to accommodate the changes to URLStore.

The Redirect handler now displays the error returned by the URLStore:

func Redirect(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	key := r.URL.Path[1:]
	var url string
	if err := store.Get(&key, &url); err != nil {
	        http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
	http.Redirect(w, r, url, http.StatusFound)

Making URLStore an RPC service

The Add handler changes in much the same way:

func Add(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	url := r.FormValue("url")
	if url == "" {
	        fmt.Fprint(w, AddForm)
	var key string
	if err := store.Put(&url, &key); err != nil {
	        http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
	fmt.Fprintf(w, "http://%s/%s", *hostname, key)

Making URLStore an RPC service

Add a command-line flag to enable the RPC server:

var rpcEnabled = flag.Bool("rpc", false, "enable RPC server")

And then Register the URLStore with the rpc package and set up the RPC-over-HTTP handler with HandleHTTP.

func main() {
	store = URLStore(*dataFile)
	if *rpcEnabled {
	        rpc.RegisterName("Store", store)
	... (set up http)


Now that we have the URLStore available as an RPC service, we can build another type that forwards requests to the RPC server.

We will call it ProxyStore:

type ProxyStore struct {
        client *rpc.Client

func NewProxyStore(addr string) *ProxyStore {
        client, err := rpc.DialHTTP("tcp", addr)
        if err != nil {
                log.Println("ProxyStore:", err)
        return &ProxyStore{client: client}


Its Get and Put methods pass the requests directly to the RPC server:

func (s *ProxyStore) Get(key, url *string) error {
        return s.client.Call("Store.Get", key, url)

func (s *ProxyStore) Put(url, key *string) error {
        return s.client.Call("Store.Put", url, key)

But there's something missing: the slave must cache the data it gets from the master, otherwise it provides no benefit.

A caching ProxyStore

We already have the perfect data structure for caching this data, the URLStore.

Let's add a URLStore field to ProxyStore:

type ProxyStore struct {
	urls   *URLStore
	client *rpc.Client

func NewProxyStore(addr string) *ProxyStore {
	client, err := rpc.DialHTTP("tcp", addr)
	if err != nil {
	        log.Println("ProxyStore:", err)
	return &ProxyStore{urls: NewURLStore(""), client: client}

(And we must modify the URLStore so that it doesn't try to write to or read from disk if an empty filename is given — no big deal.)

A caching ProxyStore

The Get method should first check if the key is in the cache. If present, Get should return the cached result. If not, it should make the RPC call, and update its local cache with the result.

func (s *ProxyStore) Get(key, url *string) error {
        if err := s.urls.Get(key, url); err == nil {
                return nil
        if err := s.client.Call("Store.Get", key, url); err != nil {
                return err
        s.urls.Set(key, url)
        return nil

A caching ProxyStore

The Put method need only update the cache when it performs a successful RPC Put.

func (s *ProxyStore) Put(url, key *string) error {
        if err := s.client.Call("Store.Put", url, key); err != nil {
                return err
        s.urls.Set(key, url)
        return nil

Integrating ProxyStore

Now we want to be able to use ProxyStore with the web front-end, in the place of URLStore.

Since they both implement the same Get and Put methods, we can specify an interface to generalize their behavior:

type Store interface {
        Put(url, key *string) error
        Get(key, url *string) error

Now our global variable store can be of type Store:

var store Store

Integrating ProxyStore

Our main function can instantiate either a URLStore or ProxyStore depending on a new command-line flag:

var masterAddr = flag.String("master", "", "RPC master address")
func main() {
        if *masterAddr != "" {
		// we are a slave
                store = NewProxyStore(*masterAddr)
        } else {
		// we are the master
                store = NewURLStore(*dataFile)

The rest of the front-end code continues to work as before. No need to tell it about the Store interface — it just works!

Final demonstration

Now we can launch a master and several slaves, and stress-test the slaves.

See the complete program:

These slides are available at

Exercises for the reader (or listener)

While this program does what we set out to do, there are a few ways it could be improved:

Go Resources


Andrew Gerrand